Building digital communities – Youtube’s power to grow and monetise podcasts


Claire Tonti, is from Planet Broadcasting and little kids taught her about telling stories.

‘I can’t be dictated, I can’t make content for other people…’ Mr Sunday was born into Australia’s largest Youtube channel.

Australia’s largest podcast is two blokes talking about movies at home they have 2m monthly downloads. No one in Australia was monetising podcasts, Planet broadcast now has 7m downloads. There are three things that they do, they make podcasts unique to Australia – ‘Do go on’ by three comedians addresses human history stories. Another thing they do is advertising campaigns where brands and companies support podcasters and finally they encourage their online community to support causes. Youtube is huge, Claire pointed out that you can; reach more listeners, share across platforms, it’s great for desk top users, you can build a community, there is free uploading, you can teach people to use podcasts, create amazing content and so much more!

How do they do it? The secrets:

  • Separate Youtube channel for each show so downloads don’t effect the main channel
  • Upload each episode with a thumbnail and image
  • Include links and promot text to your descriptions
  • Use short podcast clips, animations or even live shows to encourage click through

She also said that znimations engages audiences and they find that their listeners and fans create things for their podcast. Also, they have a global presence and have integrated Youtube and the podcast. She finally recommended that people check out the Ayzenburg index media value which is a great way to look up you stats.

Finishing this fun and interesting session she said – ‘The future of radio is not radio..’

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