Don’t hawk, don’t whisper


Our voice is an important tool we constantly use in our everyday lives. As a radio presenter your voice is even more important. “You need your voice, because it’s conveying the message. So, you need to train it”, says Emma Rodero, Radio Researcher and Trainer at the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain.


Conferences like the radiodays are about people talking. In this Masterclass, the talking happens in at least three different pitches, with a lot of highs and lows, or simply with a hand between the teeth. At one point, all the participants look up to the ceiling and point there – with their tongues.


In her Masterclass “Master the magic instrument of your voice to sound credible” Emma Rodero not only helped the participants to improve the control of their voice, she also showed them simple tricks on how to train their voices and muscles they need for talking. According to her, regular voice training is important for every voice professional. The training makes your voice richer and that in return makes it easier for the listeners to follow your story.


She had one piece advice to her attendees: Don’t hawk, don’t whisper. These things are a big effort for the muscles of your voice. “When you have a problem with your voice, the best thing you can do is: Don’t talk.” If you have the feeling you have to hawk, “you better drink some water or just swallow”, Emma said.

By Simone Taßler, journalism student, FH Wien

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