Laurent Frisch

Head of Digital & Production/ CDO Radio France

Laurent Frisch is Head of Digital & Production / CDO at Radio France since October 2018. Graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and Télécom Paristech, he began in 1998 at France Telecom North America in New York City, as new media consultant. In 1999, he joined Orange Labs as dematerialization and cryptography project manager, and became in 2004 director for Security and Trust Technologies. In 2006, he then became director media & entertainment at Orange, in charge of launching the first French catch-up TV offer. In 2010, he was the Marketing Director for digital performance at the French yellow pages. He then managed the Digital for France Televisions between 2011 and 2014. He joined Radio France (French national public radio) in January 2015 as Head of Digital.

All Sessions by Laurent Frisch

16:05 - 16:45
Track 4

The future of radio in-car: The power of partnerships - Session hosted by Radioplayer

The in-car entertainment experience is seeing unprecedented change driven by internet connectivity and new technology. In amongst the wave of new apps and services, Radio remains the most popular audio source in the car. How can broadcasters stay in control of the radio experience and keep radio strong? Can Radio stay prominent as an important source of news and public value? And what technologies and features will form part of Radio 2.0 in the car?

17:00 - 17:40
Track 3

Radio and digital platforms: A new era is coming

2023 opens a new era in the relationship between radio stations and third-party platforms. After years of observing each other and finding ways to work together, everyone is now asserting firmer positions. While some platforms seek to look more and more like radio, the broadcasting industry is beginning to free itself from certain third party players to cultivate its specificity and preserve its relationship with listeners. The European Broadcasting Union has a lot of insights and knowledge to share, and two public broadcasters will present their strategies when it comes to mastering their dance routines with very enticing platforms.