“Everybody feels included in the hate”

“Med all respekt” (With all due respect) is a Norwegian Podcast produced by NRK in which hosts Abu, Galvan, Sandeep and Tara talk about crazy everyday situations, corruption, war, racism and everything else that comes up. Four of the five hosts chat together with Iram Ansari about their work and way to success. 

Their topics stem from their personal experiences: “Your life is your work – your life is your content” (Galvan Mehidi). Oftentimes, they come up with those subjects very spontaneously: Although they are supposed to meet and discuss their podcast one hour before going into production, they usually end up meeting a few minutes before and “then we quickly agree on: what do we want to talk about today?” (Abu Baker Hussain). And that is part of what makes “With all respect” so special. 

The five hosts talk about personal experience, from conversations with taxi drivers or growing up in multicultural environments, learning to “swear in 14 different languages”.
But even though their contents are personal, the podcasters tell us that they are not just being their private selves: There’s a huge debate in Norway about whether “the audience knows that these are characters”(Sandeep Singh). The reason might be that the characters seem to be overlapping with the podcaster’s identities on purpose: “When we’re personal, that’s a strength for us” (Abu Baker Hussain) 

The hosts do not make the podcast for a target audience but rather for themselves. The goal was to make a show that they would want to listen to. As a result, their listeners are: everyone. Teenagers, seniors, friend groups, all from different cultural backgrounds.

The audience seems to like it. Apart from some crazy fan-interacions, “the listeners actually see us as friends” (Tara Lina Shahin).

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