Internship guru Maarten Brand will be speaking about young people in the workplace in the Youth Summit at RDE24

Maarten is the only official internship expert of The Netherlands; some call him the internship Guru. He has been on a squiggly career path of 2 decades with jobs as a HR manager, account manager and he has been self employed as a founder and researcher, writer and owner of his own agency; Bureau Brand (BB).

With BB he is helping businesses harness the power of internships and apprenticeships as a smart tool for employer branding, hiring, onboarding and retention. His work spans design projects (designing career pathways for young people or products that support that), public speaking and generational research. He also is a partner at Censes Education that builds educational programs for ‘Young Practicals’.

Maarten is the author of books such as the ‘Great book on internships’, which has become a bestseller and was nominated best management book of the year. He also has a Masters degree in Military History from Amsterdam University. Maarten lives in Haarlem with his wife, 2 kids and cat; Lobi and has stopped drinking beer but loves black coffee (lots of it).

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