News from Serbia: Radiodays Online

Captura de pantalla 2020-04-30 18

First online Serbian radiodays success

In the middle of April (15th-16th) RAB Serbia hosted a virtual meeting for 100 broadcasters from Balkan countries who discussed variety of topics related to the pandemic and media, impact on commercial campaigns and programming, challenges of remote working and usage of language in crisis.

Talking about language, Italian morning show “Caterrpillar AM” host Filippo Solibelo, said that language was hard in newscast so he and his colleagues tried to be more descriptive, sharing actual information in conversation with experts, encouraging listeners to share emotions and thoughts, communicate #iorestoacasa and broadcasting hope and faith every morning, day after day, working remotely.

The round table gave a of picture of the regional radio market, pointing out the challenges that are on the horizon, mainly caused by stopping commercial campaigns and postponed payments.  Other topics included: “Radio, welcomed friend due to isolation”, “Listening trends amid the coronavirus crisis and local good practices”, “Marketing in the age of coronacrisis” and  “Podcasts and pandemic”.

“Radio will be ready when pandemic passed, as it always was, the fastest and the best media – true friend to listeners”, said as a conclusion from first online radiodays organized by RAB Serbia.

Article by Goranka Jednak Maksimović, RDE Ambassador

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