Personalize your “audioverse”

Four top-level audio executives delve into the current challenges and opportunities in the industry. Alexandra Daskalopoulos, Founder and CEO of Frontstage Entertainment; Ben Latimer, Head of Audio at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Thomas Hinrichs, Director of Current Affairs and Sports at Bayerischer Rundfunk; and Abby Carvosso, CCO of Bauer Media Audio, share their insights on how new tools can enhance personalization, create an “audioverse” where audiences feel heard, and find a balance between on-demand and linear radio.

Thomas Hinrichs believes AI can be a significant tool in journalism, enhancing efficiency without replacing the unique talents and personalities of human hosts. However, he asserts, “It can buy time for our people to be journalists.” It can help to analyze your audice and create much more customized.

Another significant challenge is the waning engagement of younger audiences. Alexandra Daskalopoulos initiated a radio station for children, which has reached many loyal listeners. Her experience underscores that “Radio is reachable for younger audience, but we have to teach them about it.”  The Bayerischer Rundfunk relies on data analysis, while the ABC emphasizes direct engagement and inclusivity.

While the podcasting sector experienced growth during Covid-19, it may has reached its peak. However, podcasts remain an integral part of the “audioverse.” Despite advertisers’ hesitance, Frontstage Entertainment is integrating podcasts into their linear programming to maintain efficiency.  Abby Carvosso focuses on “creating new formats and genres,” highlighting the continuous evolution and learning within podcasting, which ensures its lasting presence in the audio industry. A key learning everybody is looking at for future audioproduction is developing and creating new ideas.

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