RAB Srbija announced as an official partner of Radiodays Europe


RAB Srbija has become an official partner of Radiodays Europe with the intention of promoting the interchange of ideas, competences and contacts across the European radio industry. Radiodays Europe is the world´s largest and leading international radio conference in Europe for both private and public radios, with 1500 participants from 60 countries worldwide. And it is our partners who help to make every year at Radiodays Europe a success.

Radiodays Europe is pleased to announce this new partnership with RAB Srbija and its members in Serbia and the surrounding region. On becoming a member RAB Srbija is represented by one member on the RDE Advisory Conference Committee and will offer help in identifying central themes and suggesting speakers on appropriate topics for the annual RDE.

RAB Serbia or Srbija to give it correct name is a network of commercial radio stations and groups in Serbia. They organise a conference ‘Serbian Radio days’ which this year is on 5-7 November 2017, they are expecting around 200 participatns for this event from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, FRY Macedonia and Croatia. To find out more about RAB Srbija go to the website: www.rabsrbija.com

To find out more about all the official partners of Radiodays Europe visit the official partners page here.

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