Journalist, manager of Bucharest FM - Radio Romania Regional network, Flavia Voinea coordinates the editorial, the technical and the economic activities of the station, being also presenter for special programs. Former editor-in-chief and producer of Bucharest FM, she has a master in Public Relations and Communication and a Diploma in Journalism. She also attended the Deutsche Welle Academy‘s courses for Radio Management & Train the trainers and the International Program on Leadership in HEC University / Montreal, Canada. She was speaker and moderator for a series conferences related to radio and media. She was a member of jury for important media contests, the most relevant position being the president of the Final Radio Jury for the ABU Prizes 2021. She was involved as coordinator or trainer in repositioning/rebranding of regional stations.
Some of the smartest ideas in radio aren't coming from the big national stations. As news deserts in Europe get wider, radio's role becomes increasingly essential. Here we'll explore three cases of local and regional stations launching projects to better serve their audiences. And how each project then went on to success beyond its original territory to a national stage.