Emotional Connections Through Imaging


Kelly Doherty runs TheImagingHouse.com. She spoke at Radiodays Europe about emotional connection in imaging. She said to delegates that the goal of every radio station is connection – and how attracting listeners through copy and creative is the way to achieve that.

Kelly said that radio stations need to stop running the same promos. She said that the best promos are the simplest ones. And they use music that fits the mood, event or promotion – not necessarily the music that fits the station. She reminded delegates of the peaks and valleys that capture emotional connection and said “silence can be your greatest tool.”

The session was full of great examples of imaging – like a Z100 promotion that used Alexa in the creative concept. Or a Kiss FM promotion, involving a sarcastic voiceover interaction with Ryan Seacrest.

And Kelly highlighted the “radio ego”, reminding delegates that there are better ways to say you are number one than to just say it. She said that Apple, Google and Microsoft don not throw it in our faces in the way radio stations can do. Listeners care more that you “feel” like number one, as opposed to actually being number one. 

Kelly closed her session by discussing “imaging language”, with a few tips. She said, “never ask a question that the listener can say no to” and stop using phone numbers”. Stations are better drawing anticipation and adrenaline through teasing what’s about to happen.

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