
Radio and cars have always made for a great combination. This connection can be highly emotional, at least for the speakers on this panel. However, in the era of DAB, finding the right content can be quite challenging for car drivers.

To create a satisfying experience in the car, radio must be simple. Only then can engagement be fostered, and drivers will be willing to listen to radio while driving. In fact, over 80% of customers in europe wouldn’t buy a car if it lacked a radio. Radio can serve as a portal into a deeper world of content from a specific radio station.

Crucial for crafting a good experience is working with customers and listening to their needs. Conducting research on the preferences and dislikes of people who listen to radio in their cars is a significant part of creating car-friendly radio content. This research helps car companies understand how to present radio content to their drivers.

Even more important than this is metadata. Metadata provides data about other data. It can help create consistency for carmakers and assist customers in finding the right content for them. Stations should devote as much effort to analyzing their metadata as they do to creating their shows. Additionally, every station should designate a person responsible for ensuring that the program is suitable for listening to in the car.

There are various ways to control the radio in a car: the wheel, a touchpad, or the driver’s voice. Voice control offers advantages as it involves less distraction and is more intuitive. Therefore, radio stations should ensure that their names are easy to pronounce and cannot be confused with other stations or local stations from the same brand. Moreover, with devices like Alexa or Google capable of playing radio on smart home devices, it’s essential that these devices can find the right station in any situation.

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