Radiodays Programme Suggestions last chance!


The first sessions have been announced for the Radiodays Europe programme 2019 with work going on in the Programme Group to have a final draft programme available shortly. However, last minute suggestions are always welcome for speakers and sessions. The closing date for suggestion 31st January. 

If you would like to have your say in this process the call for contributions is now open, you can make your suggestions by filling in the Programme Submission Form on the website. 

If you have already submitted a suggestion and have not had a response from us please do re-send a mail with your suggestion to and we will follow this up. We are sad to say that we can’t use all of the suggestions made but do appreciate your time and effort and if we don’t take it this year please try again next year or if it is a suggestion regarding a Podcast based idea/speaker suggest it for PODCAST DAY by Radiodays Europe, 13th June 2019. 

Thank you and remember to book your ticket for Radiodays Europe Today! 

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