Talk to our audience about your product or brand

Did you know there are many ways you can communicate with our audience about your brand or product, including speaking at a session in one of our tracks during the conference.  Time is limited to buy one of these, but as part of the deal you get to work with one of our producers to create a session people will want to come to and talk about afterwards.

There are only limited slots available and you will only be able to discuss and book these until mid-December, so get in touch now if you are interested!

At Radiodays Europe 2023 we had over 1300 attendees from 65 countries and we are expecting even more delegates in Munich in 2024. Our attendees all work or have interest in the radio, audio and podcast industry and we offer branding and exhibition space as well as stage, meet-up and networking sponsorship opportunities to companies who would like to be at the conference.

If you would prefer sponsorship of our newsletter which lands in thousands of people’s inboxes every week, then that is available too, as well as our platform sponsorship and many more options too.

To find out more about how you could be a part of Radiodays Europe, and maybe even Radiodays Asia and North America too, then click here.

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