So you’ve decided what to do on the Sunday at Radiodays, you’re going to the workshops (DSO and AER), you’ve signed up for a couple of the five Masterclasses, you’re going to pop into the Fast and Curious networking session and you are going to join the Radiodays Women networking as well (see the Schedule for Sunday if you haven’t planned your day)…it’s going to be a busy but worthwhile start and that’s all whilst picking up your badge and taking a walk round the Exhibition!
And as Monday morning dawns you realize you’ve got to sensibly navigate 4 tracks of sessions with fantastic content running in parallel which you can’t miss – impossible springs to mind!
So this year to help you along we have assigned each session with some icons to help you create an experience which is unique, personal and helps you get the most out of Radiodays Europe Vienna 2018.
And here are the icons;
– Advertising
– News & Journalism
– Music
– Leadership & Coaching
– Technology
– Podcasting
– Research
– Strategy
– Business
– Content
Each session may have more than one icon as some sessions cover various topics. If you only want to go to sessions which focus on Podcasting follow the icon for similarly if you only want Business
or Advertising
etc etc.
We hope that these icons help and forgive us if sessions go into more than what the icons suggest this is the beauty of having such great speakers!
If however you want to see specific speakers you can see the full line up here
Register for Radiodays Europe Vienna 2018 here.