The Ultimate insight on creativity! With Philip Maes

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Philip Maes -journalist and Copywriter, Radio Writer, writer of audio plays for children, amongst many others – presents his insight on creativity. 

Creativity begins in infancy, not at adult age, and that is key, inspire children in schools, and diversify their education.


“Being creative is something you should do everyday, it’s like a muscle” – Philip Maes

Philip Maes // Hedda Elisabet


But what is being creative? 

Creativity it’s an exercise of the mind and yes, it takes its time, and that’s where Pilhip Maes presents the fundamental part of creativity: REST. – Yes, sleep on it, rest your mind and leave thoughts and ideas to brew overnight – Results will show as ideas get better, fresher and sharper. 


Where do Ideas come from? Well…“Good artist steal” – Steve Jobs

 You don’t steal per se, but all ideas come from influences that surround any artists, they may emerge as something completely different, admiration, remakes – They all demand creativity. 


“It’s the only crime you can commit without going to prison” – Philip Maes

Philip Maes // Hedda Elisabet


In the end, the final words for how to best be creative, echo: 

You should always care. 


Written by: Andreia Simão and Gonçalo Martins


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