Women’s power in the podcast scene

Is it different to run a business as a woman? Guests Maria Lorenz-Bokelberg, Jeanne Drach and Nawal Hadrami all run their own podcast companies. All three have built up their company without investors. According to Lorenz-Bokelberg, the presence of investors focus on money, which means that other aspects suffer. 

As her own entrepreneur, Hadrami has the opportunity to take the time to develop everything at her own pace. Jeanne Drach started her podcast company on her own, but now has a small team of five employees. It is important to her to find a good balance between assertiveness and avoiding hierarchy. Maria Lorenz-Bokelberg also wants to be on an equal footing with her team. It’s not good to leave people in ignorance because they don’t have the same position. That’s why they have group meetings to discuss issues. They also only work four days a week, which creates a pleasant working atmosphere. Jeanne Drach also celebrates the success of the team and holds inspiring meetings, thus creating a pleasant working atmosphere. When asked how the shares of the companies are distributed, the women reply that they have a 50:50 distribution. They do this in order to have a fair distribution and to exchange ideas until the best solution is found. As tips for women who want to start a business, they all replied “trust yourself!” and that you should also have the courage to try out and not be afraid of making mistakes. It’s all a process.

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