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BBC’s Chris Price joins speaker list
As Head of Music for BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra, Chris Price is the creative and editorial lead for the world’s most influential radio playlists,

Event ideas for Radiodays Europe 2023
Radiodays Europe event ideas for your! Event idea #1: Suggest a speaker Does your company have a great idea, great new product or has your

Meenal Thakur joins the speaker line-up
Meenal Thakur is a project manager, solutions journalism trainer and former journalist. She currently divides her time between Prague-based Transitions where she is developing and

Venue for 2023 – Prague Congress Centre
Radiodays Europe Prague 2023 The Prague Congress Centre has a rich history. “The construction of a new building with a multilateral social mission of national significance

Transitions Director Jeremy Druker joins the speaker list
Jeremy Druker is the executive director of Transitions (TOL), one of Central and Eastern Europe’s leading media development organizations, and editor in chief of TOL’s flagship

Radiodays Europe announces Prague as the next host city in 26 – 28 March 2023
In the Finale of Radiodays Europe 2022 it was announced that Prague would be the host city for this now three-day event, in 2023, 26

30 groundbreaking ideas
Thomas Korponay-Pfeifer (Programme Director of Radio 88.6) is giving five commandments for Programme Directors. The first is to always remember station values and ensure everyone

A voice clone presenting on your station could be the future of radio
In the last few years technology in radio has drastically improved. Once we didn’t even have audio editing software, now we have presenters doing shows

Collaboration is king
One of the things that both big and small companies are all thinking about is how to digitise radio and audio content says Sam Bonham

Music classics will always be hit songs
Music classics never get old. From Bohemian Rhapsody to Yesterday, classics remain on listeners’ playlists and broadcast on radio. Sean Ross in this session showed

Looking for advertisers in different places
Patricia Sonius, Head of Research & Development at STER, notes that when a brand spends money on media only 5% of that goes to radio

What’s up with Spotify?
In this detailed session, James Cridland, the Radio Futurologist and Editor of Podnews, chatted with Johan Seidefors, the Nordic Head of Content at Spotify. Johan

Caring is the difference
Those allow him to look ahead, figure out where in a radio show he is, and scribble things as he presents to include later in

The in-car radio experience continues to attract investment.
The modernization of cars also challenges radio to keep up with development. It was from this idea that Joe D’Angelo and Gereon Joachim spoke about

“When we pull together as an industry we are pretty unstoppable”
Mark Cunning, CEO & Content Director at iRadio, knows how powerful radio is – coming back to the Spiderman quote “with great power comes great

Imaging producers are your most played artists
If you look at the most played artist of any radio station, it’s probably your imaging producer rather the music you make. They’re the people

Women of the M People
Heather Small is the voice and lead vocalist of M People. She had huge hits such as “Moving On Up”, “One Night In Heaven” and “Search For The

Podcasts and collaborations – a way forward
Despite the success of audio, its market is increasingly crowded. This forces producers to reinvent themselves and, in many cases, to collaborate with other producers

The future of radio in the car
Michael Hill is the Founder and Managing Director at Radioplayer in the UK. He chaired this controversial and conversational session with Philipp Rabels, the Head

Casting the net wide for new talent
“Finding new talent is essential to stay relevant with young people” . He looks further afield, trying to lower the barriers to entry, to create

What boxing and radio have in common
What might boxing and radio have in common? For starters, it’s always all or nothing. Boxers make calculated risks. You may come out in a

Diversity in public service broadcasting
Susanne Fatah is a Journalist at Swedish Radio, Julia Blomberg is a Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator at Swedish Radio, and Geraldine Von Celsing is Head of

The emergence of podcasts always leads to a good Q&A
Since RadioDays is an event related to communication, a session of clarification and sharing of questions and opinions could not be missing. That’s how it

Get your listener’s attention
Benchmarks are features that provide a sense of familiarity for listeners according to Helen Thomas (Head of BBC Radio 2). It’s got to fit the

How to compete with Apple Podcasts when you create your own app
Natacha Mercure, Première Directrice Audionumérique at Radio Canada opened by explaining their digital strategy for French speaking radio in Canada. They found lots of their

Audio is taking over!
Basia Cummings is the Editor at Tortoise Media, the membership-led newsroom in the UK, which is increasingly becoming an audio production house. What makes Tortoise

So what if your fans only follow you on social media?
Pawel Soltys, CEO at Radio 357, runs an online only radio station and podcast network. Despite being available for free, they make money from the

Podcasts – what business models have emerged in recent years?
In a conversation moderated by Bryan Barletta – Nikolaj Koppel, Rob Greenlee and Rebecca Haase talked about their business models for podcasts and also addressed

How radio responds to crisis
RMF24 is uniquely placed as the largest commercial radio station in Europe. Tomasz Ramza (Chief Negotiations Officer & Managing Ad Sales Director of Grupa RMF)

Looking after your staff
Sara Ardizzone is the Head of Human Resources at Bauer Media Audio in Sweden. She talked about some of the challenges Bauer had faced since