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How to make bridging work well and to our benefit?
A 360° conversation. Six guests, one host and a conversation about the importance of bridging took place on the final day of Radiodays Europe 2023.

The Art of Negotiation Based on DiSC Types
Negotiation doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable – if we know how to do it efficiently. Behavioural scientist and negotiation expert Tanya Tarr shares her approach.

3 cases – 3 countries: there are many ways to success
Radio presents great opportunities and this session showcased three examples from different countries about how to do it well. “It was a great lesson that

LiSTNR: Building a global audio eco-system at scale
Grant Blackley, CEO of Southern Cross Austereo began this session by explaining how two years ago, he and his team set out to disrupt and transform

Radio on demand from a youth perspective
In a conversation moderated by Aslak Gottlieb (academic researcher from Southern University of Denmark) three young Czech media users talked about what type of news

From Weather Reports to Radio Stations: Case studies of AI in Media
When we talk about AI, we tend to look to the future, and sometimes we overlook what’s happening today. We see new examples of the

The ultimate guide to music programming
One of the first of Tuesday’s sessions consisted of a discussion between Head of Music for BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra Chris Price, producer and presenter

A younger audience needs more content, a mature audience more time
The latest research from Europe and the US was presented by Malene Kaasgaard Christiansen, Audience Researcher from Danish National Broadcasting Corporation and Tom Webster from

We live in a time where anyone can create content and reach audience
Angela Stengel, head of Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Innovation Lab, started the last session of the day titled What younger audiences really want, with features most

Local roots, national recognition: how regional radio is changing the game
Who else but the audience should decide on what good radio is? As it turns out more often than not it is local productions that

On demand can be demanding
“No matter how amazing the facilities, they are nothing without the content,” Tony Moorey, Content Director of Digital Platforms at Bauer Media Audio, started his

A new era is coming…
Public service media and third party platforms: the relationship can be viewed as quite complex due to the congestion of the platform landscape, especially in

How can we collaborate with AI when storytelling?
How will AI sound in the future? What are the ways to lead a story using AI? These were the questions asked in this Monday

How to help young people engage with the news
In this track, there were two presentations. The first one was from two Norwegian journalists working for NRK, Constructive Editor Ingrid Tinmannsvik together with News

In-car radio is under attack!
The key to success is making audio come alive, agree the speakers from the panel on the future of radio in cars hosted by Radioplayer.

“News helps to keep you alive.”
Last week he reported from a front line in a bulletproof vest, today he’s sharing his journalistic experience from the war in Ukraine at Radiodays

How war challenges journalism
“First social media war – that’s what the current war in Ukraine could be called,” began session host Olli Junes, executive producer of radio in

TikTok over Google, the new social leader
“How should I understand something I am not using?” Kim started the session by throwing this question to the audience along with a spontaneous survey

Love is in the ear…
Three-quarters of customer decisions are based on emotions. Ralph van Dijk, the founder of audio specialist agency Eardrum knows this well. How does one attract customers

Enhancing listener experience with native content
The room lit up as Gregory Cosman, managing director at shoutcast, explained to a packed room the importance of making a “wow” moment for listeners. As

How AI will inevitably reshape the radio landscape
“I think we will look back at 2022 and there will be a before and after ChatGPT line,” says Daniel Anstandig, CEO and Co-Founder of

Treat your listeners as your friends and build a community
Nina Bendstrup is a sound designer and a mediator of a Danish music podcast “Split into Atoms” in which they focus on artists and their

Audio as a service – 3 successful yet different examples
“Your audio is not an outcome, the outcome is change,” says Ben Schuman-Stoler, the Director of Content at Blinkist, a company with millions of subscribers,

Saying hello to DAB+: three countries, three experiences
Countries adapting the DAB+ technology can benefit from its many benefits, however, they also face significant challenges. “Radio there is actually still alive,” Ole Jørgen Torvmark

Talent is distributed equally around the world, the opportunities are not
Bababam’s Sarah Toporoff introduced this session focusing on how essential diversity and equality are for a work success. “Inclusive hiring is not lowering the bar,

Radio needs to rethink its perspective
Martina Rihova, CEO of Active Radio, touches upon the challenges which the audio industry is currently facing. “We often start to forget about the concept

Digital migration is happening right in front of your eyes
“Is radio ready for the future?” This was the biggest question in the session with Joe D’Angelo, Senior Vice President of Global Radio and Digital

Attention is the most valuable asset
More than two-thirds of respondents use digital audio in a 30-day span, a survey conducted by Mario Cabanas, the CEO of Targetspot, showed. These values

How to teach a new dog old tricks
Emerging creative formats, campaigns and innovations were on display in this session – inspiring an eager crowd. As Steve Van den Audenaerde put it, “you

How, and why, do we promote radio?
Niall Power is Head of Station Sound of Ireland’s Beat 102 103 radio and often participates in radio promotion juries. He started his presentation with answering