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Combating Fake News
Wilfried Runde (Deautsche Welle, Germany) and Vincent Ryan (Google News Lab, France) asserted that the basic rules of journalism are being challenged more than ever in
MOJO: giving a voice to the voiceless
Glen Mulcahy (Founder of Titanium Media, Ireland) showed some of the key platforms, apps and devices to produce and market audio and news. Until recently, Mulcahy

Breaking global news with local angles
Orb Media is a global journalism organisation telling stories that matter to billions of people around the globe. The organisation’s multimedia journalism fuses original research
Using psychology to manage ourselves and talent
Travis Kemp (Consulting, Coaching & Organisational Psychologist, Australia) shared his knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural Sciences – and what it can do for radio, in terms
Using Sonic Scenery to Enhance Your Message
Staxx Williams (Creative Services Director, Z100, USA) kicks off with the idea that sonic scenery can enhance a message as he runs through the imaging
How to talk to your listeners: Should you treat radio like insta & You Tube?
Do you want to make money with branded content or would you rather your DJs create authentic content that fits the station? According to Dieuwertje
Why Norway switched off FM radio
Norway is the only country in the world that has fully digitised national radio. When the last FM-signals were switched off in December, the stations
Innovation in radio
Panellists included Josef El Mahdi (SR, Sweden), Sarah Hartley (Google, UK), Diego Joaqim Pruneda Paz (PRISA Radio, Spain) and Fabien Apheceix (Waynote, France). Together, the

Tips to improve your radio imaging
When it comes to imaging, the music can be found anywhere, but it is personality and attitude that Staxx Williams (Z100 New York, USA) makes.
Programmatic for FM – your way to new customers and growing profits
70% of the stock market worldwide is computer automated, so if we’re trusting computers with that important and delicate balance – why not radio ads

Media Darwinism – Don’t get bogged down in your audio transformation
Audiences are consuming more digital audio than ever before. Connected devices allow us to experience audio in new ways and to listen whenever and wherever
Getting your station onto a smart speaker
This session was about how we can use smart speakers – looking at best practice from broadcasters and innovative projects the rest of us can
How to get younger generations interested in classical music
From Beethoven to Berg, Brahms to Bruckner – Vienna is sometimes called the classical music capital of the world. Whether they were born or worked

The battle for the car dashboard
The dashboard is up for grabs! It is easier than ever to access online music services on the road, with the ongoing rollout of Apple CarPlay

Radio Hack Europe – the winners
Radio Hack Europe is an innovation workshop, taking place over the weekend before Radiodays Europe. The two winning ideas from this years’ workshop, selected by
How to avoid making mistakes on air
There have been so many mess ups on the radio! In this session, hosted by Martin Liss, the Radiodays Europe delegates were lucky enough to
The Science of Pop
Armand Leroi (Author, Broadcaster and Evolutionary Biologist, UK) opened with a clear enthusiasm about pop music, and said that he thinks “the science of pop

Developing successful women in radio
In this session, three radio – Angi Taylor (Kiss FM, US), Annemieke Schollaardt (NPO Radio 2, Netherlands) and Ivana Miseric (Otvoreni, Croatia) – hosts talked
Innovations from Austria
This year’s Radiodays Europe host country – Austria – is a hotbed of technical talent. In this session, three recent innovations were showcased – from

What have smart speakers done for listening habits
Why should we care about Smart speakers? Tomas Granryd (SR, Sweden) thinks he has some answers. Some people (inside and outside of the radio industry)

Radio journalism is changing the world
“I describe myself as a campaigning journalist” opens Michele Livesey from Key 103 in the UK. For her, radio is tool for campaigning for social
Why every brand needs an audio strategy
This was the first of two sessions. Henning Lüdemann kicked off. He is a Sales Manager at RMS (Germany). They’re the biggest audio marketer in

Leading creative change
Linda Green (UK) has led the creative strategy for the BBC’s biggest events, channels, brands and cultural change programmes over the last twenty years –
Smart speakers and advertising
Martin Baumgartner (Swissradioworld, Switzerland) kicked things off. Smart speakers have our data, shopping baskets, voice recognition, and companies with endless resources behind them, so why

Building Your Personal Brand
Jo Stanley started the session, discussing personal branding and content. She took us through a series of exercises to delve into personal branding, to help
Serious ideas do not need to be boring
“If you are a depressed regressive, what is there to be excited about?” asked Geoff Lloyd, popular national radio presenter in the UK. Geoff met

The Breakfast host and his co-presenter
Dave Berry was the host of the Capital FM Breakfast show for over five years before joining Absolute Radio in 2017. Content Director, Paul Sylvester,
10 tips for better sonic branding
Brands are constantly fighting for our attention. What can radio stations do to stand out and be heard above the noise? Tom Van der Biest
Dear agencies, give us our money back!
Radio’s taking a huge share of our audio consumption, but how do we monetise that? Even in an age of flashy visuals, online banners, and

A golden age of audio is coming
Four top-level radio executives from across Europe came together to share their views on the challenges and opportunities for broadcasters today. Cilla Benko (Swedish Radio)